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Only Approved Pooled Investment Funds authorised for offering to retail investors are included in the list. eb. Trustee is applicable to Master Trust Schemes; while Promotor is applicable to all other products. Product Category(a) Promoter/Trustee(b) Unit Trusts and Mutual FundsAllianz Global Investors Fund&Allianz Global Investors GmbH (AZG357)=List of Deauthorised Investment Products during February 2025=HSBC Global Investment Funds - ESG Short Duration Credit BondAllianz China Healthy LivingAllianz China Strategic Bond3Manulife Global Fund - China Total Return Bond Fund-Wellington Next Generation Global Equity FundHSBC Global Investment FundsManulife Global Fund 2Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV0HSBC Investment Funds (Luxembourg) S.A. 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