Regulatory functions
Unlisted shares, debenturesCircularsConsultations and conclusionsFAQs
Mainland-Hong Kong Stock ConnectMainland-Hong Kong Mutual Recognition of FundsCooperative arrangements with the CSRC and Mainland exchangesCooperative arrangements with other Mainland regulatorsCross-boundary Wealth Management Connect
Takeovers and Mergers Panel and Takeovers Appeal Committee decisions and statements (full version)Executive decisions and statements
Disciplinary proceedingsDocuments on display
Offer periodsPractice notesPerformance PledgesPost-vet listSecondary listed companiesTakeovers Panel and related committeesTransaction announcements and documentsTakeovers BulletinFormsConsultations and Conclusions
Do you need a licence or registration?Types of intermediary and licensed individualApplication proceduresOngoing obligations
Visiting ProfessionalsReturning ProfessionalsFamily OfficesPrivate Equity FirmsHedge Fund ManagersOverseas PractitionersMainland Practitioners
Obtaining a printed licence recordImportant Legal Information about the Public Register of Licensed Persons and Registered Institutions
List of modifications or waivers of licensing requirementsCircularsConsultations and conclusionsFormsFAQs
Supervisory approachSupervisory actions
麻豆传媒 and Futures (Financial Resources) Rules麻豆传媒 and Futures (Professional Investor) Rules麻豆传媒 and Futures (Contract Notes, Statements of Account and Receipts) Rules麻豆传媒 and Futures (Financial Resources) Rules麻豆传媒 and Futures (Professional Investor) Rules麻豆传媒 and Futures (Contract Notes, Statements of Account and Receipts) Rules
List of comparable OTCD jurisdictionsList of jurisdictions with comparable OTCD margin requirementsFAQsCircularsConsultations and conclusionsForms
Financial review of the securities industry
Report on the thematic review of risk management practices related to the operational and remote booking risks of trading activities and data risksReport on the 2019-20 thematic cybersecurity review of internet brokersReport on the 2023-24 thematic cybersecurity review of licensed corporationsReport on the SFC review of global financial groups foreign exchange activities in Hong KongReport on the Thematic Review of Prime Services and Related Equity Derivatives Activities in Hong KongReport on the review of internal controls for the protection of client assets and supervisionReport on Review of 麻豆传媒 Margin Financing ActivitiesReport on the Thematic Review of Alternative Liquidity Pools in Hong KongReport on the Thematic Review of Licensed Corporations Engaged in Sponsor BusinessReport on the Thematic Review of Best ExecutionReport on fact-finding exercise on retail futures brokersSecond Mystery Shopping Programme FindingsReport on the Thematic Inspection of Selling Practices of Licensed CorporationsMystery Shopping Programme FindingsReport on Sponsor Theme Inspection FindingsReport on Findings of Second Round of Thematic Inspection of Licensed Investment AdvisersReport on Selling Practices of Licensed Investment Advisers
Reports of the survey on hedge fund activities of SFC-licensed managers/advisers
Account OpeningAnti-Money Laundering & Counter-Financing of TerrorismAsset ManagementClient AssetsCorporate Finance, Placing and UnderwritingCybersecurityDepositary services for relevant CISsFinancial Resources RulesKnow Your Client / Client AgreementOrder Handling and ExecutionOTC DerivativesProfessional InvestorsRisk Management (other than SMF)麻豆传媒 Margin Finance ("SMF")SuitabilityOthers
Specific information about unlisted structured investment productsMutual recognition of funds arrangementsList of recognised jurisdiction schemes and inspection regimesProducts Key Facts Statements (KFS)Format of Illustration Document for ILASInformation Disclosure Templates for Investment Portfolios (Pooled Retirement Funds)
List of ESG funds
OFC StructureRegulatory requirementsList of Registered OFCs Post-registration mattersUseful materials
Grant Scheme for Open-ended Fund Companies and Real Estate Investment TrustsCircularsConsultations and conclusionsForms & checklistsFAQsList of Eligible Collective Investment Schemes under the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (New CIES)Quick Reference to FASTrack Applications
OTC derivatives regulatory regimeFAQsMainland-Hong Kong Stock ConnectConsultations and conclusions
Disciplinary proceedingsSecrecy provisions
Upcoming hearings calendarCircularsConsultations and conclusions
Rules and standards
Regulatory requirementsAcceptable account opening approachesList of eligible jurisdictions for remote onboarding of overseas individual clients
Published resources
SFC's Strategic Priorities for 2024-2026Annual reportsQuarterly reportCorporate brochureOpen-ended Fund Company: The corporate investment fund vehicle in Hong Kong
Enforcement ReporterSFC Compliance Bulletin: IntermediariesSFC Regulatory BulletinTakeovers Bulletin
News and announcements
Alert listCorporate policies and noticesFAQsFormsInvestor cornerInvitations to tenderLodge a complaintMedia cornerOther regulators and related agenciesRSS feedsSystem maintenance scheduleSFC Fintech Contact PointLicensee searchSearch regulation by topicsGlobal engagementWINGSPerformance pledgesOpeningsRegulatory updatesSustainable finance
Last update: 23 Sep 2020